

Meet Green Gum. Plastic free chewing gum for everyone.

Our sustainable journey 

We want to do better. That’s why we produce affordable confectionary products that actually do good, using simple eco-friendly ingredients. Green Gum is a pioneer within the sustainable confectionary landscape and offers a wide range of products, tailored to the needs of modern consumers.


Meet the products


Meet the products 〰️

  • Our Gum

    A plastic free gum made with eco-friendly ingredients. No plastic gum base, no sugar and 100% natural flavours. Less is more.

    Available flavours: Spearmint, Peppermint, Lemon and Berries.

  • Our Mints

    Plantbased pastilles made with eco-friendly ingredients. No sugar and 100% natural flavours. Filled with good stuff only.

    Available flavours: Peppermint and Cherry.

Become part of the solution.

All Green Gum products are made with careful attention to both quality and the environmental footprint. We strive to make plastic-free gum and plantbased mints products available for everyone.